Over 100,000 FREE books have been sent to Snohomish County children in just under one year!
Over 100,000 books have been shipped to children in Snohomish County in just under a year, thanks to United Way of Snohomish County and their partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. United Way of Snohomish County (UWSC) launched their partnership in June of 2023, with books being shipped to families beginning in August 2023.
“Access to early literature helps shape future academic success and lifelong learning,” said Maya Hemachandra, Interim President and Chief Executive Officer of UWSC. “Knowing that so many families within our community are benefiting from this program and receiving these books is a huge milestone we are proud to celebrate.”
The Imagination Library delivers high quality and age-appropriate books to children from birth to age five, every month until their fifth birthday. UWSC launched their partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to continue to uphold their mission of serving young children in the community with a goal of increasing childhood literacy rates, fostering a love of books, and promoting a culture of reading among all families in Snohomish County.
There is no cost to the families, but parents must register their children in order to be enrolled in the program. Once registered, books will begin arriving within 8-12 weeks. Currently, there are almost 11,000 children enrolled in the program who are receiving these books in their homes, with an additional 40,000 who are eligible to receive books but have not yet signed up.
“100,000 books? Now, that's a jaw-dropping milestone! Imagination Library of Washington congratulates United Way of Snohomish County for being incredible champions for children, putting in the hard work, creativity, and dedication to make this program a hit,” said Brooke Fisher-Clark, Executive Director of Imagination Library of Washington. “Thank you to local donors who make it possible for children to receive their free monthly books. It takes a village of collaboration and support to achieve this kind of grandeur and impact.”
"100,000 books is a testament to our community's commitment to childhood literacy and the power of collaboration," said Hemachandra. "Every book delivered brings us one step closer to ensuring all children in Snohomish County have the resources they need to thrive."
Families not currently enrolled in the program or those interested in additional information can learn more by visiting www.uwsc.org/freebooksforkids.